Thursday, July 16, 2009

Talking Toes!

What a busy week it's been! Isaiah turned 4 months old on Sunday. On Tuesday, Kathleen's cousin and Godfather, Brian, and his wife Liz was blessed with the birth of their first son, Dylan Patrick. On Wednesday, he finally found his feet. After lifting his legs closer and closer to his face for the past several weeks, he finally grabbed his feet on his own (without my cajoling) and has been playing with them ever since. Isaiah's also begun talking up a storm. When he wakes up in the morning, instead of crying until someone comes to get him, he is simply content to just blab and hear himself talk. He's getting really good at singing and telling stories! Unfortunately, he is a bit camera shy so as soon as I try to record him, he stops. But here is a glimpse of what I enjoy hearing throughout the day!

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